Week 5 - Announcement

Welcome to your final week of MGT 360. We are wrapping up this whirlwind course on organizational leadership and management by exploring the final component of the P-O-L-C framework:  CONTROLLING.  

This week, we will study Module 12: The Essentials of Control and Module 13: Strategic Human Resource Management.  These modules may not sound super exciting but they are just as important as any other module you studied thus far.  Focus in and pay close attention.

This week’s assignments are as follows:

  • Reading: Modules 12 & 13; Week 5 Presentation
  • Discussion Board: DB #5
  • Exam: Final Exam
  • Paper: Summary Paper

THERE ARE STILL A TON OF POINTS OUT THERE THIS WEEK.  Class, please review the Assignments and the Grading Rubrics to make sure you know all the details of each assignment to maximize your points.

Please send me any of your questions.  I am confident in each of you.  Stay focused and FINISH STRONG!!


Keep up the good work!

Craig Mattox

Week 4 Announcement

Welcome to Week #4 of MGT 360. We are now over halfway through this course.  You are all doing very well on your assignments and I hope you are learning and applying all the great management and leadership skills we are learning in this class!

This week, we will study Module 9: Decision Making, Module 10: Communication in Organizations, and Module 11: Motivating Employees.  These modules move into the advanced art of business management and leadership.  Pay close attention.

This week’s assignments are as follows:

  • Reading: Modules 9, 10, & 11; Week 4 Presentation
  • Discussion Board: DB #4
  • Quiz: Quiz #2
  • Case In Point: Case In Point #2

Class, please review the Grading Rubrics from previous DBs and CIPs so you do not make the same mistakes.  I take care to give you very constructive criticism in grading so you can  make adjustments and avoid making the same mistakes twice.  

For a great DB example, you can look at Ms. Williams' DB#2.  She does a great job of providing plenty of depth, citing properly, and using real world examples.

As always, please send me any comments or questions you may have on this week's material.  Work ahead so you can enjoy the 4th of July weekend!


Keep up the good work!

Craig Mattox

Week 3 Announcement

Welcome to Week #3 of MGT 360. 

This week, we will study Module 6: Organizational Structure and Change, Module 7: Social Networks, and Module 8: Leading People and Organizations.  These modules move into the advanced art of business management and leadership.  Pay close attention.

This week’s assignments are as follows:

  • Reading: Modules 6, 7, & 8; Week 3 Presentation
  • Discussion Board: DB #3
  • Article Review: Article Review #2


Keep up the good work!

Craig Mattox

Week 2 Announcement

Welcome to Week #2 of MGT 360.  Most of your assignments were spot on with just a few minor adjustments to make for that A+.

This week, we will study Module 3: History, Globalization, and Values-based Leadership, Module 4: Strategizing, and Module 5: Goals and Objectives.  These modules continue to build upon the foundation of business management and leadership we learned in Week 1.

This week’s assignments are as follows:

  • Reading: Modules 3, 4, &5; Week 2 Presentation
  • Discussion Board: DB #2
  • Quiz: Quiz #1

Please make note of the following trends I noticed in your first assignments:

  • Discussion Boards:
    • Citations and References: please make sure to cite your textbook or other sources in BOTH the DB post and the Replies.  They should look like this:
      • The next dimension is organizing. Organization is the function of management that involves developing and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of the objective (Anonymous, 2015).


  • Paraphrasing: please do not copy word for word from your textbook or other resources when answering your posts.  Take the main points from the text and write them in your own words.  Failure to do so, may indicate plagiarism.


  • Discussion Board Replies: treat the DB replies just like you do the Initial Post, meaning you are attempting to show how much you understand the text reading.  Respond to the student’s post AND also include concepts from the reading.  Cite your textbook in the replies as well.


  • Case in Points:
    • Use short answer essay type responses for maximum credit. All I am looking for is that you have read the text, can summarize the main points, and write with college level grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Please contact me with your questions via cell or email.  Let’s have a great week!

Craig Mattox

Discussion Board Assignments

The Discussion Board assignments are the main assignments throughout the course that allow students and instructors to interact and discuss topics as if we were in a regular classroom setting.  The goal of these assignments are:

1. Professional Writing:  DBs require professional writing skills to communicate your answers to the prompts.  After reading the text, you should be able to explain answers to the questions using a combination of paraphrasing the text, quoting the text, and including personal stories that go along with the points.

2. Proper documentation:  DBs require that you have a References list at the end of your Posts.  Additionally, you must provide in-text citations within the writing to indicate when you've used the text as your primary source for that specific sentence.

3. Interaction:  the DBs are meant to create an interactive environment for students and instructors to collaborate and discuss the topics presented.  Offer constructive criticisms in a professional manner and provide a substantial response to other posts using your text and personal examples to illustrate a point.

Lastly, please feel free to include a Word Doc as an attachment but also cut and paste your written portion into the actual DB window.

I hope this provides you with clarity for your DB assignments.  Please send me your questions.

Craig Mattox

Case in Point Assignment

The goal for the Case in Point assignment is:

1. check on learning:  are you reading the text and do you understand the basic objectives presented.

2. paraphrasing:  can you answer the question using your own words and demonstrating professional writing skills.

Important Notes:

  • references and citations are not required
  • avoid copying word for word from the text
  • use proper and professional grammar, spelling, and tone in writing the assignment

Please feel free to call or email if you have further questions.

Craig Mattox


Welcome to MGT 360: Management  Principles  
In this course we will examine the foundations and traditional approaches of management principles: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. This incorporates the elements of delivering strategic value, building a dynamic organization, mobilizing people, and learning and changing
The workload for this course is demanding, but I am confident that you will succeed if you put your best efforts forward.
Here are a few tips to help you be successful in this course:
1.  Prepare:  take time at the beginning of the course and at the beginning of each week to plan out your approach for studying and completing your assignments.  With regard to preparation, Abraham Lincoln once said, 

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe."

2.  Pay Attention to Detail:  as current and future managers and leaders, it is our job to pay attention to the details.  Train yourself during this course to pay attention to the details of each assignment (APA formatting, proofreading, grading rubric, and deadlines) so that you maximize your points on each assignment.
"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." ~ John Wooden

3.  Learn:  take time to see the big picture while you are studying.  Always look to ask yourself how you can apply what you are reading to your own life.  Also, take time to read the feedback and grading rubric that I return with each assignment.  This gives you the opportunity to avoid repeating your same mistakes from assignment to assignment.
President John F. Kennedy once said, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each another."
Best of luck in this course.  

Craig Mattox

Course Documents

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Title Description File type

Article Review #1

Article Review #2

Summary Paper

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