
Final Grade Weighting

Use this screen to view and adjust the weights of the different categories and assignments that make up your course grade. What is final grade weighting?
Overall Grade Breakdown
To make a change, just enter new weights in the weight boxes. Units are automatically weighted equally to calculate the final grade. Types are automatically weighted equally to calculate the final grade.
One or more of your units does not have a weight. Please enter any missing values below (they are highlighted in yellow) -- you will be able to save when all the weights add up to 100%. One or more of your types does not have a a weight. Please enter any missing values below -- you will be able to save when all the weights add up to 100%. One or more of your assignments does not have a a weight. Please enter any missing values below (they are highlighted in yellow) -- you will be able to save when all the weights add up to 100%. One or more of your units need assignment weights. Click a highlighted unit to enter the missing assignment weights. One or more of your types need assignment weights. Click a highlighted type to enter the missing assignment weights.
Extra Credit Unit Type Assignment Points Weight Final Grade %
Extra credit
Exam Exam
83 %Invalid weight
Extra credit
Evaluations Evaluations
470 %Invalid weight
  This is your current grade breakdown
Weights must add up to 100% Please enter the missing value Reset
Change weighting method
Dropping Assignments
You can drop scores on a unit-by-unit basis from the Unit Detail Screen, accessed by clicking a unit name in the table above. Scores can also be dropped manually for individual students on the Student Detail screen. You can drop scores on a type-by-type basis from the Type Detail Screen, accessed by clicking an assignment type name in the table above. Scores can also be dropped manually for individual students on the Student Detail screen.