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Dating a Backpage Model

South Dakota Backpage

Nebraska Backpage Dating Alternative

Delaware Backpage Afterparties

Dating a Rhode Island Backpage Model

Why Backpage Dating so popular in Iowa

Date Ideas in Small Towns and Rural California

South Dakota Backpage

Nebraska Backpage Dating Alternative

Delaware Backpage Afterparties

Dating a Rhode Island Backpage Model

Why Backpage Dating so popular in Iowa

Date Ideas in Small Towns and Rural California

That being said, I still think that marriage is synonymous with having children. Marriage is optional, yes, (hinged upon having the gift of singleness or not) but the women you mentioned who married in the bible, it’s not like they didn’t

TRY to have kids. God didn’t allow them to. They were barren. And I am not familiar with these women. Can you enlighten me? Do you have some verses? That would be great!


MidoriLei Says:

March 23rd, 2009 at 12:44 pm

no arguing here:) Just some friendly and healthy sharing of different insights and viewpoints! lol


hunter Says:

March 23rd, 2009 at 11:37 pm

MidoriLei, forgive us for getting off topic, on this one….


Anonymous Guy Says:

March 24th, 2009 at 8:30 am

Yeah… I just felt led to share what I had learned for the first post. I should have left it at that and not attempted to refute, especially when I didn’t specifically feel led to refute. My flesh felt the desire for one upmanship if you will, and THAT was what led me to continually refute until it got to this point. I hereby repent, and ask forgiveness of both God and you two.


Anonymous Guy Says:

March 24th, 2009 at 8:31 am

Although… I do feel led to point out that God IS love. So it’s all about love, even marriage. : )


Okay, that’s all.


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