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How to Spot Genuine Profiles on Dating Apps

5 Guys We Won’t Go Home With

Are You Single And Lonely? Here Are 5 Steps For Overcoming Loneliness

Is Your Family Still Friends with Your Ex?

How to Break a Single Streak

10 Creative Ways To Break Up With Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Top 5 Signs That Your First Date is NOT Going Well

5 Ways Your Friends Could Be Keeping You Single

What Not To Say to a Single Girl

What are the Disadvantages of Being Single?

How to Meet a Good Man in a Bar

I always thought that finding true love would take a long time; I certainly didn’t see myself getting engaged while I was still in college. But then again, there were other things about college I didn’t expect. Who knew I would be learning Japanese? Or getting a degree in Radio-TV-Film while producing a weekly show of local bands on an FCC licensed television station? But these things happened. It might sound like it’s all matter of fact, but it really just is. This is how things happened. I fell in love and it just happened before I reached my quarter-life crisis.


My relationship with Sarabeth seemed to progress as it should (minus the casual nasty-doing). She was my friend. Then she was my girlfriend. Now she’s my fiancee. Soon, she will be my wife. It all feels so natural and right, even if most of the college guys across the country don’t take this path.


I am a guy. In a (very) serious relationship. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.


They didn’t say they were getting married two weeks or two years after college. There is a BIG difference in the timing. I have a friend who is getting married in several months after they graduate, and I have a friend who was planning on getting married a month after graduation.

Sad to say, the friend who was getting a month after graduation is postponing it. My friend who is waiting, has been engaged for the past year now and is in the final stages of planning the wedding. Does she wish she could wait? Maybe, but her fiance is from abroad and it would be safer to get married sooner than later due to the immigration policy. But they both have been working on visa and finding jobs/places to live for about as long they have been engaged.

Where are the non-creepers?


As a woman in the prime of my single-dom, I am fixated on having fun, and – in the midst of my fun – wouldn’t mind finding Prince Charming. You know, funny, passionate, driven, cute.  The traditional barf-inducing list could go a mile long.  But lately, I have been noticing a recurring trend in the battlefield of love (aka local bar/library) and it has been happening to me a lot lately (insert sad face).

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