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Chapter 2 Handout Videos Continued

In this section Associate Professor Sinclair has provided you with additional videos that are designed not only to inspire but to lead you into an area of higher understanding and full of educational adventure.

Sound Waves and Magnetism to Create Colorful Images




STEM Education da Vinci Style | Dr. Loretta Jackson-Hayes | TEDxMemphis


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In this chapter the author addresses how communities take pride in their museums and other public spaces. He also discusses the various ways in which we value artwork as well as the artists themselves. We will continue our look at Vincent van Gogh along with a first time look at other artists from different time periods such as Andy Warhol, Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio who have made tremendous contributions historically and other wise upon the our history of art.

This chapter will prepare you to successfully navigate the third assessment for this course which will be the last before taking the Final Exam which will be on chapter 3.


 Note: This first video is a summary of chapter 2 entitled "What Is Art?".


 Note: This second video is a summary from a different perspective on chapter 2 entitled "What Is Art?".


What is STEM+A?



Sound Waves and Magnetism to Create Colorful Images&l



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In this chapter we will be looking at the work of such artists as Constantin Brancusi, Maya Lin, Vincent van Gogh, Andy Warhol, James Hampton, Leonardo da Vinci and many others. We will also address some of the various early periods of our worlds art history in terms of periods of time and styles.


Note: This video is a summary of chapter 1 entitled "Living with art".


This handout contains the first 7 pages that we discussed in class. Your next assessment will be entirely generated from these seven pages.

Please Note: This handout may be viewed online or printed out or saved to a device of your choice.

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