Elementary School Music Method (MUS 321)
Term: 2019-2020 Academic Year - Spring Semester
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Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM (1/9/2020 - 4/30/2020) Location: MAIN ANDR 19
This course is provided to broaden music knowledge and to acquaint the candidate with basic theoretical principles required of teachers responsible for classroom music instruction. Special emphasis is placed on developing skills and learning pedagogy on xylophones, other percussion instruments, the auto-harp, and the recorder. Pedagogy includes Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze and Suzuki. In this course, the candidate will acquire the basic knowledge and experience necessary for handling music activities at the upper and lower grade elementary school levels. Singing, games, rhythmic and creative activities, dramatizations and movement will be stressed.