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How to learn English from scratch on your own

English is the most widely spoken language of international communication, so learning it is a good investment in your future. The market is responsive to the demand, and you can find a lot of offers to learn English online, find “english teachers near me” in google is a good start. You can learn it both independently at home and individually with a tutor. Let's find out which option is right for you.

Is it possible to learn English on your own

Let's not beat around the bush and answer this question straight away. It is quite possible to learn English on your own at a high level, and even within a reasonable time. But there is one "but": unfortunately, it is not possible for everyone. Your ability to learn English on your own is determined by the following factors:

  • A desire to learn to communicate in English;

  • A willingness to work hard and diligently;

  • selecting an effective course for language learning.

If you are ready to periodically "step on your own throat" and overcome difficulties, if you are sure that your desire will not disappear after reading the first page of the textbook, then it's just a matter of finding the right course. And we, for our part, will help you choose the right course.

How to learn English on your own: practical tips

There are a few rules to follow in self-education. They are not new, they are many years old, and they are based on the rich experience of thousands and thousands of students and teachers.

To make your independent language learning effective, stick to these simple guidelines:

Assessment of the current level

Perhaps you have studied English before and you just need to refresh and deepen your knowledge. What if you are not as bad as you think you are? You can take online English tests to assess your level before you start studying.

Setting a specific goal

It is the goal-setting that determines all further learning. Depending on the purpose of learning, the program and study materials are selected. So first of all, you should decide what you would like to learn: conversational or business English, or maybe you want to connect your work with English or just plan to watch TV series without translation.

Class scheduling

Make a schedule of classes and stick to it strictly. For example, 3 times a week for two hours. Yes, it is not easy and often laziness will offer to make a deal with your conscience, but the regularity of classes is extremely important, and if you really want to master English on your own, you need to "step over" yourself.

Choosing a training program

Find a resource for learning. There are many resources for learning English for free on the Internet. Don't rush to download all available apps, textbooks and register on all forums at once. Textbooks and study programs have a clear structure and are not always compatible with each other. Choose one textbook and one program and study strictly according to it. You can always change it if you do not get the expected results.

Creating a language environment

First of all, translate the gadgets into English. This is the best method of learning English, and most importantly, it is free and fast. If you see inscriptions and phrases in English every day, your brain will be more comfortable to perceive them. Bonus you will learn vocabulary related to technology: settings, upload, download, follow, subscribe... Find your favorite TV shows on YouTube and watch them in English. Recall your favorite song in English, find the lyrics, learn them and sing along with the artist. Rhythmic and rhymed lyrics are memorized by the brain much better. This is the best way to combine pleasant and useful.

Getting into apps

If you don't know where to start express language learning, at what level you are and what material you should learn, it is better to trust professionals who create language apps. They present the material in a logical, structured way, from simple to complex. There are excellent tools for practicing vocabulary, listening comprehension, spelling and pronunciation.

Keep a blog or diary

This is the "asterisked" way, because it takes courage to blog at all, and it's even harder to do it in English. But if you love sharing your life with others, why not make a couple of videos in storizas or put up a post in English a couple times a month, politely asking readers to correct your mistakes? Or just keep a diary in English.

Shadowing method

This is copying the speaker's speech, or rather, simultaneously reciting the speech together with the speaker. Choose a 5-10 minute excerpt from a video or audiobook. You should also have either subtitles or a transcript of the text in front of you. You need to listen to the first phrase, pause it and try to repeat it as similarly as possible with the same rhythm, intonation, speed and melody. The main thing is to choose material that is really interesting to you, with the pronunciation and language level you need.

Training partner

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to learn a language autonomously using only books, audio materials and instructional videos. To be more precise, you will probably be able to read, watch and listen to English speech, but it will be extremely difficult for you to speak. Practicing your spoken language requires practice, which means you need an interlocutor and a partner to learn English. You can also try postcrossing, which is the exchange of postcards with people around the world in English. This will help you find a pen pal and give you a reason to deepen your English even more.

Knowledge control

Control of the learned material is the most important stage of any learning. You definitely need to take a self-study exam and write a test. To make it easier, you can use various online tests or study guides. Various test questions are usually attached to textbooks. The most difficult thing in independent language learning is to find and correct your mistakes. By the way, a partner can also help you with this.

Continuity of learning

Make sure that there are no interruptions in learning. If there are long breaks, the knowledge gained will be lost. You will have to remember again and go through the already passed path, and many people drop out after that.

Professional activities for learning

Reading English-language literature and journalism related to your profession will be a good help in learning the language. In addition, on many topics, publications in English appear much faster and more frequently, which means that you will grow as a specialist in parallel.

Don't fill your head with unnecessary things

This mainly concerns learning unnecessary words, many of which will never be useful. You can save time by learning only the most popular words. Although there are several million words in the English language, even educated English speakers use a few thousand in everyday life. For example, the same Oxford Dictionary includes three thousand words, to memorize them and it is worth "throwing" strength in the first place. Such a vocabulary is already enough to hold a conversation, understand movies and read books. As you develop and gain experience, your vocabulary will build up on its own.

Motivation and willpower are essential in learning English on your own. Don't let yourself fall into procrastination, don't let yourself give up.

How can I speed up the process of learning English on my own?

The Internet is full of promises to teach English in a week, or three weeks at the most. Unfortunately, there is no magic methodology that would allow you to quickly and effortlessly master a new language, and everyone who promises such things is a bit of a liar. However, the learning process can indeed be spurred and significantly accelerate. It is doubtful that you will be able to explain to a foreigner in English how to get to the library at the first lesson, but making progress at the initial stage is not a matter of speaking fluently.

Some people find foreign languages, particularly English, easier than others, but you still have to work hard, and we'll give you some tips to make learning effective.

Take online training

Online classes help you learn English very quickly. Online courses require nothing more than a willingness and any gadget (phone, laptop, tablet, computer) with an internet connection. You don't need to travel somewhere and adjust your life to learn English, it's easy and convenient. Plus, the convenience allows you to study more often, and the cost of the course is sure to please you.

Don't spare the money for a good teacher

Only an experienced professional can explain where Present Perfect is appropriate and where Past Simple is appropriate, help you overcome difficulties and instill a love of learning, correct your pronunciation, and monitor your knowledge. Work with a tutor and training courses can be combined for a better effect. For example, in "Oratory" you can study both in a group and individually. There are two types of teachers: native speakers and those for whom the foreign language is not native. For beginners, a native speaker is better suited to teach you how to approach learning the language. At the same time, lessons with a native speaker will help you develop further when your level is already high enough.

Do your homework

No matter how these words are not given by the school, homework must be done. And it is worth doing it qualitatively. Conveniently it is realized on various online platforms, they automatically check assignments and point out your mistakes. Only with the help of constant consolidation of the studied material in practice, the student will learn to competently use the passed rules in writing and in oral speech.

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