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Introduction to Amethyst Stone

Amethyst Stone

Amethyst is a beautiful variety of quartz that ranges in color from pale lilac to deep purple. It has been prized for its violet hues and used in jewelry and ornaments for centuries. Here are some key facts about amethyst:

Color and Cause The purple color of amethyst is caused by iron impurities and irradiation within the crystal structure. The more intense the violet hue, the more valuable the Amethyst stone is considered.

Origins Amethyst can be found across the globe, but some of the most significant sources are Brazil, Uruguay, Zambia, and Russia. It forms in volcanic rocks and can also occur in metamorphic rocks.

Meaning and Lore In ancient Greece, amethyst was believed to prevent drunkenness and promote sobriety, which is how it got its name (derived from the Greek word "amethystos" meaning not intoxicated). It has long been associated with peace, courage, and spiritual wisdom.

Varieties While typically purple, amethyst can range from pale pinkish lilac to deep violet, and even red (known as ruby amethyst). Ametrine is a variety with alternating zones of amethyst and yellow citrine.

Use In addition to decorative jewelry and carvings, amethyst has spiritual meanings in many cultures and is used in meditation practices. It is also the birthstone for February and the gemstone for the 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries.

With its range of violet hues and rich history, the amethyst remains a coveted gemstone treasured for its beauty and mystique.

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