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Social Life and Long-Distance Love: Balancing Relationships with Friends and Family

Where are the non-creepers?

Dating An Engineer

5 Essential Tips for Dating Someone with Kids

The fundamentals of keeping long-distance love healthy

When He Gives You A Drawer

Great Textpectations

Don’t Let Rejection Screw You Over

Don’t Fear the Distance

The Benefits of a Long Distance Relationship

Should I Stay or Should I Go

My boyfriend loves when I tell this story. I was on orientation staff at my University and a guy was selling newspaper subscriptions in the Union. He tried to sell one to me and I declined, but chatted with him for hours on every break.(I was “abused” that very day by an ex and newspaper guy promised to “protect” me so I couldnt refuse his cahrms.) We went out for coffee and shortly after he asked me on a second date. On the second date, he brought his friend who happened to need a ride in my area. The three of us hung out for a few weeks and I just decided I liked his friend better. Now, three years later, he still gets a kick out of hearing me tell that story.


I met my boyfriend at a New Years Eve party we were both dragged to at the last minute.  My closest friend lived about an hour away from me at the time, and knew I had no plans so she talked me into coming down.  She lured me in with the whole “they have room for you to sleep if you get too drunk” thing.  I was still working two jobs at that point, and decided to go for a nice night out.  She promised that their would be boys there (including my bf’s brother, who she wanted to set me up with).  He was dragged to the party by his brother and friends, for the same reasons I was (aka no other plans).


I met the brother and there was no chemistry. None. As for my current BF, tons of sparks.  He was the “shy” one but opened up right away to me. I apparently instantly captured his attention upon arrival, (and he “claimed” me), we started drinking, which lead to me getting all cuddly, which lead to us making out in front of everyone.


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