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When will tipping die? There are 0 replies:
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When will tipping die? Original post: Mon 4/22/2024 at 9:38 AM

As for me, tipping is some kind of relic of past centuries. Like the master throws crumbs from the table or a coin so that the slaves bow more diligently.

Moreover, it is customary to give/receive tips only in certain areas (we are talking about the civilized world, and not about bribes). Why then shouldn’t every programmer, doctor or lawyer also shake a “tip” jar in the client’s face?

Let's take a restaurant. I come and look at the menu. Every dish has a price. The price includes the cost of products, rent of premises, staff salaries, etc., as in any enterprise. Why is it not enough that I came and paid the set price for the services? Why should I additionally stress about the “low base rate” of the service staff, rate the waiter on a scale of
up to 15% of the order amount or use a tip percent calculator, look for cash, change large bills, etc.

If you don’t like the salary in a restaurant, get a job in another one. If you don't like the restaurant, don't go again. As an everywhere.

Plus, direct financial relations between an employee and a client (bypassing the company’s cash register) are real corruption, the ground for behind-the-scenes games by staff and the growth of unspoken rules where everything should be simple and transparent.

224 words - excluding quoted text