When Not Interested Just Isn’t Enough

How To Be In A Relationship Without Losing Friends

Not Everything About Your Ex is Bad

The Secret To Why Guys Act The Way They Do

A Do’s and Don’ts Guide to Halloween Hookups

When It Comes to Dating, Should You Be Channeling Your Inner G.I.Joe?

You’ve Been Warned: Red Flags to Watch for on a First Date

Even Gaga Would Call it a “Bad Romance”

Little over 3 years later, we’re still going strong.  Despite the fact that we met while drunk, we rarely drink since that night.  Aparently the liquid courage was just enough to let our guards down and open our hearts to each other.



I met my ex in college.  I was sitting on the concourse (main walking area between classroom buildings) and saw a guy wearing a t-shirt of a band I liked that had a show the night before.  I called out to him “hey boy with the _____ shirt”.  He came over and talked to me about the band/concert he’d been to the night before and we clicked and ended up dating for 2 years.


I met my current boyfriend through a guy friend (who at the time I was considering dating but it didn’t end up working out- we didn’t end up being attracted to eachother.  Anyway this guy friend had brought two of his friends out to a bar and I’d thought his one friend was hot and referred to him as so and so’s hot friend.  Months went by before I saw the hot friend again but when I did (and actually got to talk to him) we spent the whole night talking and now have been dating for almost 4 years smile


I met my boyfriend at my brother’s 9 year old birthday party.  I was 7 at the time and my boyfriend was kind of a jerk to me.  We then ran into each other at Band in highschool and I didn’t have many friends in the class so I latched on to him and the rest is history.



I met my ex at a friends party. We were getting together to watch a boxing match. We were both put on the spot in front of a handful of guests. A friend of ours asked if he thought I was attractive and asked me the same about him. I dodged the question and played it cool. On my way out, he walked me to the door and asked for my number. After a lot of hesitation I gave it to him.