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February 17, 2010 at 9:12 pm

OmnuNero says:

I wouldn’t let this study put any Asian male / Black female in a slump. I completely agree with the article but remember the the primary age group for this dating site is pretty young… I’m not sure the exact numbers but around the 20s. I believe to 20s-30s, race is still somewhat of a novelty to relationships and dating. People are shallow to an extent and they either changes with time or it doesn’t. Rather than keeping focus on race, focus on improving things you can change. Self confidence and such.


February 17, 2010 at 9:21 pm

mary says:

been happily married to my white knight for 12 years now. Im black, he’s white. We don’t care what anyone else thinks not that we have faced any opposition, and certain men who are scared well all i can say is, is it worth being alone because your embarrased? if these people really care about you then why wouldn’t they want you to be happy inlove? they going to help pay your bills? keep you warm? share memories with you? protect you? love you back?.


i rest my case :)


February 18, 2010 at 12:50 am

Lilith_Eve says:

I am a 25 year old black female. I’ve gone to predominately white schools up through the 12th grade. Black males paid little or no attention to me throughout my teenage years. My first boyfriend (at age 18) as a result was white.


I have yet to figure out why most black men pay me no mind. I’ve only been in one serious relationship with a black man that ended when I was 23. We broke up because I was growing and changing while he refused to.