
Advertising, public relations, corporate communication, community participation, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event management are all examples of "business communication," which encompasses a wide variety of specialties and areas of expertise. Both technical and professional communication have a close relationship to this topic.

In the world of business, information is constantly being sent back and forth between parties. An crucial part of good business communication is the ability to provide and receive feedback. Increasingly, organisations in today's society are rather large and include a large number of people. There may be several levels of hierarchy within a single organisation. Managing an organisation becomes more difficult as the number of levels inside the organisation grows. Here, communication plays an important role as an organisation tries to guide and supervise its workers and employees. As a result, any misinterpretations may be avoided and rapid response can be obtained. There must be clear channels of communication inside an organisation, not only between managers and subordinates, but also between the organisation and society at large (for example between management and trade unions). It is essential to the long-term success of any business. There can be no shortage of open communication in any firm.

Communication in the corporate environment is geared toward attaining objectives. A company's rules, regulations, and policies must be known by everyone, within and outside the organisation. It is imperative that this knowledge be widely communicated. Business communication is governed by a set of very stringent norms and practises. For companies, the sole forms of communication were letters, phone calls, and so on in the beginning. We now have cell phones, video conferencing, email, and satellite communication at our disposal to make business communication easier, owing to technological advancements. When it comes to building a company's reputation, the ability to communicate effectively is essential. The media channels for business communication today can be listed as Internet, Television, Radio, Talking to strangers, Print Media, Digital Media, Word of mouth, etc.

Business communication focuses primarily on achieving goals/aims and, in the case of a public company or organization, increasing dividends of shareholders

Business communication is a common topic included in the curricular of Undergraduate and Master's degree programs at many colleges and universities.
Categories of business communication

Brand Management
Customer/public relations

Methods of business communication

Web-based communication;
Video conferencing: allows people in different locations to hold interactive meetings. To develop confidence, you may practice video calling on apps like skype or chat rooms;
Reports: important in documenting the activities of any department;
Presentations: popular method of communication in all types of organizations, usually involving audiovisual material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash;
Telephone meetings: which allow for long distance speech;
Forum boards: which allow people to login to instantly post information at a centralized location;
Face-to-face meetings: which are personal and should have a written follow-up;
Suggestion box: primarily for upward communication, because some people may hesitate to communicate with management directly, so they can give suggestions by drafting one and putting it in the suggestion box.
Memos: letters to members of a company or organization;

Directional business communication

Top-down communication
Communication within the business that is passed down from the top of the business hierarchy to the bottom, the amount of information passed from one level to another relies on a "need to know" basis.
Bottom-up communication
Communication within the business opportunities that is passed up through the business hierarchy from the bottom up.
Horizontal communication
Communication with those who are on the same level in the business hierarchy as one, very little information moves up or down the chain of command.


The Association for Business Communication (ABC), which was initially known as the Association of College Teachers of Business Writing and was established in 1936 by Shankar, describes itself as "an international, interdisciplinary organisation committed to advancing business communication research, education, and practise."
Engineers, scientists, and other professionals in other fields, including business, are all welcome to join the IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS). In Europe, PCS's academic magazine is one of the most well regarded in the field. Researchers, educators, and practitioners interested in the successful transmission of technical and commercial knowledge are among the journal's many regular subscribers.
The Society for Technical Communication is a professional association dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of technical communication. With membership of more than 6,000 technical communicators in the uk chat, it has become the largest organization of its type globally.
The International Business Communication Standards are practical proposals for the conceptual and visual design of comprehensible reports and presentations.


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