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Playing the Long Game

GIRLS Got Game

HBO’s Girls Exposes Pretty Lies

Why Women Say Yes to Booty Calls

Even Slutty College Women Reject Sluts For Friendship

Sex That’s Not Happening

The Unrestricted Male as Relationship Ricin

I Lied About Losing My Virginity

Men, Women, Sex, and Double Standards

If You're Faking It, Should You Ever Tell?

Should Men Be Afraid Of Dating a Model?

Initially we had been discussing the dining precinct on the river front, and I explained to him that I hadn’t been to many of the great places along the Brisbane River, despite working in the area for six months. He suggested that we should get something in the area and I agreed.


However on the morning of our date, he asked me if I had tried a particular sushi vendor between our respective buildings, and when I said I hadn’t he said that we should go there as it was one of the best in the city.


We met just outside his building, and walked down to the venue – it was a takeaway place down an alley. And whilst the sushi looked great, it was a poorly thought-out choice, as it was a rainy day. We ended up taking our sushi to a nearby foodcourt to eat. Not a good start.


But the conversation was fine and we used up his entire hour lunch break quite easily. We discussed iPhone apps, families, and spent a lot of time talking about exercise for some reason.


We walked back to his building where he then told me he’d like to do this again. On the weekend. I said I was quite busy. He asked me what I was doing. I said I was going to the movies the next morning with Magic and Macca. He said “Well it won’t start until 10am at the earliest”, so I agreed to have breakfast with him. It felt a little bit like a hostage negotiation but I was very happy to see how it panned out. It wasn’t a complete fail as far as first dates go.


However at one point he did say “You aren’t as SCARY TALL as I thought you would be.” I don’t think that’s a very good compliment.


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Posted in Take2's Posts


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